Monday, 27 October 2014

This week @ Beaches Sangha

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we have Winton Higgins coming to lead sutta study with us and we are up to Chapter VIII entitled 'Mind'. It's only a short chapter (about 8 pages) so hopefully we'll all manage to read it beforehand.

Oh yeah, and guess what?! I finished the first draft of my book!! OMG!!

Hope to see you at the Peace Park.

Monday, 20 October 2014

This week @ Beaches Sangha

Hi all.

This week I'm back from sunny Cairns and will be giving a talk about 'The Five Clusters' of experience. I've just finished the first draft of my book and have a new appreciation for the importance of this little list. Gotama referred to it as his 'lion's roar' in terms of its potential for awakening and talks about it in multiple suttas.

The Five Clusters are frequently referred to as the Five Aggregates or the Five Heaps. They're a really helpful tool for bringing mindfulness to our every day experience and for seeing Dependent Arising in action. It's not the first time we've talked about this at sangha but it's an important one so it's good to visit it again.

The picture doesn't really mean anything, I just thought it was pretty. :-)

Hope to see you on Thursday night.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Take-aways from last week?

Okay, what were your 'take-aways' from last week's talk on Indra's Net? Just click on the link to this post on our web site and give me a sentence or two in the comment field about the key points you found helpful.


This week @ sangha + a local weekend retreat + NY retreat

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we have the next instalment in Jampa's talk on The Wheel of Life. I hope you can make it.

Also there are a few places left at a local weekend retreat being held by Openground (they do MBSR which is a practical application of some dharma practices without the dharma). It's at the end of this month. I thought it might be of interest to some of you.

Also Betsy, Jampa & Peter Mackie will be leading the New Year Retreat again this year up in the Blue Mountains. It's a good idea to plan that into the calendar now if you're interested. For more info click here.

I'm back next week. See you then.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

This week @ Beaches Sangha

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we have the return of Jonathan Page who is a semi-regular talk-giver with us from our sibling sangha Blue Gum in North Sydney. Jonathan is giving a talk titled Indra's Net - The Web of Connection. Betsy has mentioned Indra's Net before in the context of inter-connectedness.

As always seems to be the case these days I'm missing Jonathan's talk, so I'm going to be asking for your 'take-aways' from it. You may not realise it but you are able to comment on these posts I put up, so I'd love it if you could jot down your learnings/reflections here in the comments section.

I hope you can make it.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

This week @ Beaches Sangha

Hi all.

Sorry for the late email this week. It was lovely being back among you last week.

I know Betsy and Jampa are away this week but I think Sylvie is going to bring a podcast for discussion. Sylv, if I have that wrong, no problem, it'll be an open discussion night. 

I hope you can make it.
Warm regards (about 30 degrees in fact :-))