Thursday, 26 March 2020

Next week's meeting - virtual and spontaneously off-piste

Hi all.

With community centres all closed at the moment, we'll be having our April meeting in the cloud via Zoom.

We're also going to take a detour from our normal program (working through Stephen Batchelor's book, see What's On), and instead, discuss this article by Winton Higgins called "Dharmic Existentialist Ethics in a Time of Pandemic". 

With the weirdness of the world at the moment we thought this would be a valuable opportunity to infuse our experience and perceptions with a bit of dharma, and help us process what's going on.

This will be our first virtual meeting, and because it's a discussion rather than a talk, we will limit the number of participants. If you're not a regular member of Beaches Sangha and would like to participate, please contact Kristin on the email address at the bottom of this page to let her know, and we'll be in touch early next week.

Warm regards