Tuesday, 21 March 2017

 Ramsey Margolis from One Mindful Breath, Wellington’s secular dharma practitioners community in New Zealand, will be talking on: ‘From sangha to community, bringing together secular dharma practitioners’ on Thursday 30th March. Ramsey’s interactive talk will be coming live via Zoom on Sylvie's iPad.

You can check out Ramsey’s community website at onemindfulbreath.org.nz, and the secular Buddhist website at secularbuddhism.org.nz.

Monday, 6 March 2017

This week @ Beaches Sangha - Gawaine

Hi all.

This week at Beaches we have one of our regular visitors, Gawaine Powell-Davies, giving us a talk called Dharma for Hard Times'. Personally, I've found the dharma incredibly helpful during life's difficulties - grief, hurt, disappointment, rejection...all the painful stuff. It's what I sit with and what I turn to, when I feel like I'm at Ground Zero. 

Gawaine's talks are always stimulating and poetic. I hope you can make it.


Wednesday, 1 March 2017

This week @ Beaches Sangha - Victor von der Heyde

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we have one of our favourite regular (if not frequent) dharma teachers, Victor von der Heyde coming to give us a talk called: Soulfulness and Stress. I don't know anything about it, but I do know that Victor's talks are always thought provoking and enjoyable. 

Hope to see you there.