Monday, 13 July 2015

This week @ Beaches Sangha - me 'n' action

Hi all.

Well, last week we had a jam packed hall with Michael Barnes and his BYO crowd, and I mistook several new sangha attendees for Christians. Doesn't happen often :)

I'll be running the session this week which will be the next talk on the Eightfold Path. We've already covered fold #1 (view) and fold #2 (intention). This week is fold #3 of 8, being 'action'. It's called 'right action' in religious Buddhist circles but we avoid such labels as they tend to invoke commandment style thinking which is not what the dharma is about. Think of the folds as important elements of living to attend to if you want to walk the path of Gotama's teachings.

I hope to see you there.

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