Hi all.
This week @ Beaches Sangha
I'll be doing the 4th instalment of my talks on the Eightfold Path. The first 3 were (preface each one with 'appropriate'):
Last week Gawaine re-capped and explored further the idea of 'speech' that's appropriate to the path. The next cab off the rank is 'action'. There is even going to be a little present to take home with you this week. I hope to see you there.
Online mindfulness summit
Over the course of October, there's going to be a free online collection of talks, podcasts and Q&As with various mindfulness and meditation teachers, including many of the people we regularly talk about at Sangha (e.g. Rick Hanson, Tara Brach). I've registered to see what it's like. Here's the link if you're interested.
Coupla resources
Also, those of you who are newer to Sangha might not know about the Secular Buddhism Australia Facebook Page that I run, as well as my blog which contains short essays on particular topics relating the dharma to every day life. Feel free to follow either or both.
Hope to see you Thursday.
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