Monday 14 December 2015

That's a wrap - Beaches Sangha finished for 2015

Well we had a lovely picnic on the lawn last Thursday night in beautiful summer evening weather. Thanks to everyone who came and made it a lovely end to a terrific year for Beaches Sangha. 

I'm not quite sure who started packing up but it seems we weren't quite ready to go, with several of us staying back and chatting on the verandah after the doors were closed. It was so nice to have conversations with each other that were longer than our usual 10-15 minute tea break.

I didn't get the chance at the picnic to express my thanks to people. I'm sure I speak for us all when I say a big thank you to.....

  • Betsy for putting together the program of speakers and sessions for us. Bets has done this every year of Beaches' existence so far and I think you'd agree she does an amazing job of sourcing people to run sessions, coordinating and communicating with them, and keeping the web site up to date. Thanks so much Betsy.
  • Sylvie for ensuring our constant supply of tea and bikkes, and for being a frequent hall opener and closer again this year, as well as being just a generally helpful person, washing tea towels and always generously offering to help with whatever she can.
  • Neil for being in charge of managing the cash for us - Neil keeps track of our sangha finances, collects the money each week and banks it, and reimburses me monthly for the hall rental and Sylvie periodically for groceries. He also often ensures that new people know about dana, and is a back-up hall opener/closer.
  • all of you who came throughout the year and contributed to our sangha being a vibrant and grounded and meaningful group.
I hope Beaches Sangha has been a positive and meaningful feature of your life this year, as it has mine. We've acquired some new regular members which has been terrific, and also seen the return of some old ones which is great too. And of course as always we've had some new faces who maybe haven't quite achieved 'regular' status yet but whom it's always nice to see when they can make it. 

We've had a wide variety of speakers, discussions, and even a Christian minister who BYO'd his own flock to come and experience our sangha. I'll never forget walking in that night and seeing at least 30 people in the room, half of whom I didn't know. I thought I'd come on the wrong night! 

I've deepened friendships with some people and made new ones that I hope will continue. I just love the vibe of our whole Sangha thing. :)

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. I'll miss my Thursday night re-set button for the next month. Beaches Sangha will re-open for contemplation and nourishment on Thursday 21st January 2016. We hope to see you then.

Warm wishes 

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