Wednesday, 22 June 2016

This week @ Beaches - facilitated discussion

Hi all. 

This week at Beaches Sangha we're having our quarterly facilitated discussion which Neil will run. Bring any questions, or things you're struggling with, or would simply like to discuss some more. Our group dialogue is often really valuable and interesting, so I hope you can come and participate.

Also, I migrate north as of this weekend, so it'd be helpful if someone was able to put their hand up to do the weekly blog post (this email) for the 6 weeks I'm away, as I often forget when I'm travelling or out of my home routines (like this week when I was in Hobart for the Dark MOFO Festival!). The posts are super easy to do, so just let me know at Sangha if you're happy to do it and I'll show you how.

Hope to see you then.

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