Monday, 21 November 2016

This week @ Sangha - Fear & Safety

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha Sylvie will be facilitating a discussion on Fear and Safety. What kind of things do we fear? Which of these do we face more often? What makes us feel safer?

Our last meeting for 2016 will be on Thursday 15th December when we'll have our usual Sangha Party. This is a lovely way to end the year. We have a short meditation, then we eat and drink and socialise together. We all bring some food/drink to share and if the weather's good we sit out on the grass and have a picnic. If it's not, we'll bring the bench tables inside and have an indoor feast.

Can you please let me know if you'll be coming, and if so, whether you'd like to bring a sweet or savoury dish.

I hope to see you on Thursday.

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