Monday, 30 April 2018

This week @ Beaches - sutta study

Hi all.

This week @ Beaches Sangha we have sutta study and we are up to sutta #3 which is called "Threefold Knowledge". Three of the 16 suttas in the book are relatively long and this is one of them, so make sure you give yourself enough time to read and digest it before Thursday night. 

Also, something we notice each year is that as the weather gets cooler, the number of people who show up for sangha can sometimes go down. I do spend quite a few hours each month preparing for these sutta discussions, which I am very happy to do as long as it's something people value. I judge how much it's valued by how many people turn up. So even though it might be tempting to stay indoors as the nights get chillier, if you're keen on learning the basic teachings of the Buddha, your presence is important to keeping these sessions going. 

I hope to see you there.

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