Tuesday 26 January 2016

This week @ Sangha - Expanding our Self Awareness

Hi all. 

This week @ Sangha we have Sylvie running a session on expanding our self awareness.

Awareness is a central practice of the Dharma; awareness of both our inner world as well as what's going on outside of us. A powerful way of increasing our awareness is asking for feedback.

Sylvie has worked for more than 30 years with individuals and teams on how to give and receive feedback. She has used several self-awareness tools and will present us with one that has stood the test of time called the "JOHARI Window". She will also share some tips on how to solicit feedback and receive it graciously.

I hope you'll be able to come along to this highly practical session.
See you Thursday.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Beaches Sangha resumes this week

Happy new year everyone! I hope you've all had the kind of summer break you needed.

Beaches Sangha kicks off for 2016 this week on Thursday night. We thought with the start of a new year it'd be a nice time to connect by sharing a bit about ourselves and what brought us to the dharma. I'm looking forward to hearing your stories - even those of you who I've known for a while.

I hope to see you there.