Monday, 25 February 2019

This week @ Beaches Sangha - sutta 10 - Gotama's Discourse

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we are studying sutta #10 titled Gotama's Discourse. As always, if you can have read both the sutta, and the chapter in the 2nd half of the book that pertains to it, you'll get the most from the session. 

Each month we start our session with the following questions from the introduction, so you might want to have your answers ready:

  1. What is the text about? If I had to say in one word or phrase, would it be?
  2. What is the major theme or themes with which it's concerned?
  3. Which of these dimensions is the text concerned: doctrinal, ethical, experiential, mythological, ritual, lirurgical, social, institutional, other?
And don't forget we have an extra session next week also, which is an overview of the Buddha's Teachings: One Page Dharma.

Hope to see you on Thursday.


Monday, 18 February 2019

Special session: One Page Dharma

Hi all.

Because we have a couple of people in the dharma study group who are newer to the dharma, I've offered to give a special session to help orient them with the teachings. So on Thursday 7th March, I'll be giving my dharma talk called "One Page Dharma" which is an attempt to summarise the core teachings of the Buddha in one session. I have a one-page hand-out that I give to participants summarising the key points, hence the name of the talk.

Some of you might have attended this before, but repetition is an important part of learning, so you might want to come again. And for those who are newer to the dharma (teachings of the Buddha), it's a great way to get a feel for the overall architecture of the teachings, and some of the common lists and terms, explained in a secular, practical way. 

I'll try and remember to post about it early that week, but I thought I'd tell you about it now so that you can put it in your diary if you'd like to come.

Warm regards