Monday, 4 May 2020

Online Dharma Course with Gregory Kramer

Hi all.

I want to let you know of an upcoming online dharma course being run by Gregory Kramer. 

Greg is most well known for creating the practice of Insight Dialogue (treating dialogue as meditation), however he is also a fabulous dharma teacher. He's about to release his next book about treating your whole life as the dharma path and this 10 week online course is based on that. It will look at each "fold" in the Eightfold Path and what that means in practice especially in these strange times.

I highly recommend Gregory to you. If this course is of interest, don't miss it! For more info, click here.

....and for members of Beaches Sangha, a reminder that this Thursday we are discussing Chapter 2 of Stephen Batchelor's book 'After Buddhism" (titled "Mahanama the Convert"), along with Session 3 in the corresponding workbook.

Warm regards