Our Meetings

Our Meetings

We meet on the first and third Thursday night of the month (with a couple of exceptions) at Oxford Falls Peace Park on the northern beaches of Sydney (more details below). We communicate about this via a private Telegram chat. If, after your first meeting you'd like to join in let us know and we will include you.

If you arrive late and the meditation or teaching is already under way that’s fine, simply enter quietly and join in. We usually leave a spare chair or two just for this purpose. 

Our meetings consist of the following activities:

7.00pm   arrive

7.10   meditate

7.45   break - tea and chat

8.00   dharma study &/or discussion

9.15   pack up

Sometimes we will continue discussions past 9.15pm but those who wish to leave at that time are welcome to.

When: Thursday nights from 7pm for a 7.10pm start, leaving at around 9.30pm

Where: Oxford Falls Peace Park, cnr Wakehurst Parkway and Dreadnought Rd, Oxford Falls

Cost: We all contribute to cover the cost of our meetings (venue, insurance, storage etc.) at the beginning of the year. You're welcome to attend your first meeting for free. If you decide you'd like to join us, then you can make a contribution. We also offer donations to the teacher or anyone taking the role of 'teacher' for the night (e.g. anyone who prepares a talk) via the Sangha bank account. Details will be shared with you via our Telegram chat if you decide to join us.

Bring: a mat or rug if you will be using a meditation cushion or stool (the floor is wooden floorboards)

Parking: there is a vacant lot opposite the Peace Park which is fine to park in as long as it’s not too wet. Otherwise, there is plenty of room along Dreadnought Rd.

New people are always welcome at Beaches Sangha. If you’d like to join in and are new to meditation or the Buddha’s teachings, or both, please contact us before you attend so you can ask any questions you have, and let us know to expect you.

Contact: Text or call Mark Walsh on  ZERO433 210 345

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