Wednesday, 25 June 2014

This week @ sangha - sutta study

Hi all.

This week at Beaches Sangha we have Winton Higgins leading us through our sutta study session. Please try and read chapter 3 by then if you haven't already.

Also, Winton is running a weekend workshop next month which may be of interest. It's called Four Frontiers for Secular Buddhists. It'll address these four questions:

  1. What does the often confused conflict between religion and irreligion in our culture have to do with how we live now? 
  2. Why do we have such trouble accepting our finitude (mortality and limitedness) and disentangling from the yearning for transcendence? 
  3. How should we think about our ethical priorities in the way we live now? 
  4. Can we move on from these issues to draw some tentative conclusions about how to orient and intensify our daily dharma practice?
For more details click here. I'm going to this workshop so if you enrol, let me know and we might be able to car pool.

Hope to see you Thursday night.


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