Tuesday, 12 March 2019

This week @ Beaches - sutta #11

Hi all.

Wow! Three weeks in a row! We've had a couple of great sessions in the past couple of weeks, and because of my travels (I have World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships in Poland later this month), we have brought our regular sutta study forward a couple of weeks. April and May are also likely to be brought forward due to my competition schedule - I'll update you on that soon.

So this is just a quick note to remind all intending sutta studiers that this week at Beaches Sangha we are exploring sutta#11 of Basic Teachings of the Buddha, titled "Destination". As always, best if you can have read the sutta and accompanying notes in the second half of the book, and have your answers to the debrief questions at the ready (see post from two weeks back).

Hope to see y'all there!

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