Monday, 28 July 2014

This week @ sangha + a workshop: Men, Mindfulness & Meaning

Hi all.

This week @ sangha we have Winton Higgins walking us through the next chapter of our sutta study. This week we'll be up to Chapter V, titled 'The Satipatthana Refrain'. As always, if you can read the chapter before the session, it will be most valuable to you and everyone else as questions will be more informed. However if you can't manage it, you will still find the session valuable. 

We may also have a visitor from NZ coming to join us, Ramsey Margolis who runs the Secular Buddhism web site over there. Ramsey is in Aus for Winton's workshop last weekend and will probably tag along with him on Thursday.

Also, Susanne asked to share this workshop coming up in August put on by AABCAP (Aus Assoc of Buddhist Counsellors and Psychotherapists) called Men, Mindfulness & Meaning: "A conference exploring the unique challenges and opportunities facing men, in modern day Australian life as they navigate masculinity, relationships, health, meaning and happiness." Click the link if you'd like to know more. They have offered us a special Beaches Sangha rate if you are interested.

I hope to see you on Thursday.

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